Cities2030 Partners Gathered In Venice For The “Complexity And Food System” Event

Date: 27.01.24

Written By: AgFutura


The Cities2030 conference took place over two days from January 25th to 26th, 2024, hosted by Ca’ Foscari University in the beautiful city of Venice. This event focused on the theme of Complexity and Food Systems, aiming to explore various strategies and initiatives to support City Region Food Systems (CRFS) and enhance the resilience of food supply chains.

Throughout the conference, participants engaged in insightful discussions, attended specific sessions, and participated in dedicated workshops. These platforms served as crucial arenas for investigating different tools and policies aimed at bolstering CRFS and optimizing the efficiency of food supply chains.

Representatives from the Green Growth Platform (GGP), our Macedonian partner in the project, shared insights into the organization’s active involvement in shaping the development of the Cities2030 Observatory. Additionally, they shed light on the initiatives undertaken as part of Work Package 3 (WP3), emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing the complexities of food systems within urban environments.

Overall, the Cities2030 conference provided a valuable opportunity for stakeholders to exchange ideas, share experiences, and establish meaningful collaborations aimed at creating more sustainable and resilient food systems for cities around the world.


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